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Tour on history of science

Welcome to the tour on history of science of the green health Campus Berlin-Buch. On this approximately one-hour walk, we will present personalities, their most important stations in life, and the contributions they have made to medicine and science and to the Campus Berlin-Buch.

The tour starts at the Torhaus, entrance Robert-Rössle-Straße and ends at the exit Lindenberger Weg. The dashed line on the map shows you the shortest way back to the Torhaus from there.

The Berlin-Buch health region in northeast Berlin has been known for its clinics, biotechnology companies and research institutions for more than a hundred years. Since the days of the German Empire, employees on the Campus Berlin-Buch have lived through five very different political systems. What has remained constant has been the close connection between research and clinical science, which was part of the original vision of the campus and remains at the heart of work here today.

Most of our current research is basic in nature, aiming to clarify central questions related to basic mechanisms in the areas of molecular medicine, genome research and cell biology in health and disease. Our clinical focus involves cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, cancer, diseases of the nervous system and immunology. The campus hosts several institutes: the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz-Association (MDC), the Leibniz Research Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP), the Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), the Charité-University Medicine Berlin and the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH). Other partners include a range of institutions and biotechnology companies. In all, the campus is home to three thousand employees who are working on questions relating to the molecular basis of health and disease and new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

These individuals are thus part of a long tradition of scientists who have dedicated their lives to the search for knowledge – either by working directly here on campus, or through other close connections between their life and work and the campus. They have received many prestigious honors, buildings on campus bear their names, and in front of the building are busts or panels dedicated to their memory.

Science is made by people. Given its long history, the Campus Berlin-Buch should represent the fact that science and scientists should not only carry out research in a responsible way, but should also concern themselves with ethical issues related to society. This is best served when the history and biographies of the scientists and people who worked here are made transparent, open, and accessible – including when their actions reveal that they were fallible, in light of the times and realities they faced.

We would like to introduce some of these personalities, key points of their lives and the contributions they have made to medicine and science and to the Campus Berlin-Buch.

Please enjoy your stay on campus!